quiz over the book of Genesis

Question numbers correspond to the lessons in In the Beginning: The Book of Genesis.

1._____ What is meant by “firmament”?

  1. Water that covered the earth before Creation.
  2. The heavens or sky, a “dome” in the New American Bible.
  3. This is what happens to your abs when you work out.

2.____ The basic terms of every covenant agreement between God and Man:

  1. If a person sins, he dies.
  2. God is the Groom and human beings are the Bride.
  3. God is God and human beings are not.

3.____ What is meant by “original sin?”

  1. The sin of Adam and Eve that is inherited by all human beings.
  2. Eve listened to the snake instead of God.
  3. Adam forgot to put the toilet seat down.

4._____ What was Cain’s punishment for killing Abel?

  1. Immediate death.
  2. God gave him a time out.
  3. Exile, the same punishment his parents received for their disobedience.

5.____ What is the name of the son born to Adam and Eve after the death of Abel?

  1. Noah
  2. Joseph
  3. Seth

6._____ With which sacrament is the story of Noah and the Ark associated?

  1. Reconciliation
  2. Final Judgment
  3. Baptism

7._____Which of Noah’s sons saw his nakedness?

  1. Shem
  2. Japheth
  3. Ham

8.____ What was the relationship between Abram and Lot?

  1. Father and Son
  2. Uncle and Nephew
  3. They were cousins.

9.____ Whose idea was it that Abram should sleep with his wife’s maid?

  1. Hagar tricked Abram into sleeping with her.
  2. Abram had a thing for Hagar, Sarai’s maid.
  3. Since Sarai, his wife, was barren, she gave Hagar to Abram as another wife.

10.____What did Abraham’s three visitors say that made Sarah laugh?

  1. They reprimanded Abraham for having said she was his sister.
  2. They said that she was going to bear a child in her old age.
  3. They told a funny joke about a camel, a donkey, and a chicken.

11.____ What happened to Lot’s wife when she turned back to look at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?

  1. The ground opened up and swallowed her.
  2. She went blind.
  3. She turned into a pillar of salt.

12.____ What is the name of the son of Abraham and Sarah?

  1. Ishmael
  2. Jacob
  3. Isaac

13._____What difficult test did God give to Abraham that involved his promised son?

  1. God told Abraham that he was never to cut his son’s hair.
  2. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering.
  3. God told Abraham and Isaac to build an ark.

14.____ What is the name of Isaac’s wife?

  1. Rebekah
  2. Rachel
  3. Jezebel

15.____ What did Esau sell to Jacob for a bowl of soup?

  1. All his spotted lambs.
  2. His birthright.
  3. His hair shirt.

16._____At Bethel, what vision did Jacob see in his dream?

  1. A new Heaven and a new Earth.
  2. A ladder to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it.
  3. His future wife, Rachel.

17.____ How did Laban, Jacob’s uncle, trick him on his wedding night?

  1. He took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob instead of Rachel.
  2. He switched his coat of many colors for a plain tunic.
  3. He told Jacob Rachel didn’t love him anymore.

18.____ What did Rachel take from her father, Laban, as they packed to move away?

  1. His striped and spotted sheep.
  2. His household gods.
  3. His tambourines.

19._____What did the mysterious stranger do to Jacob’s thigh after they wrestled at Peniel?

  1. He changed its name to Israel.
  2. He gave him a tattoo of an angel.
  3. He touched it and put it out of joint.

20.____ Who is Dinah?

  1. No one knows, but she’s in the kitchen with someone.
  2. The wife of Noah.
  3. Jacob and Leah’s daughter who was raped by Shechem the Hivite.

21.____ What happened to Rachel when she gave birth to Benjamin?

  1. She was unable to speak for 40 days.
  2. She laughed.
  3. She died.

22._____Why did Joseph’s older brothers hate him?

  1. Because he made fun of them.
  2. Because he was their father’s obvious favorite and they were jealous.
  3. Because he was lazy.

23.____ Why was Joseph put into prison in Egypt?

  1. Because he stole the Pharaoh’s cup.
  2. Because he raped Potiphar’s wife.
  3. Because Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him of trying to rape her.

24.____ How did Joseph get out of prison?

  1. He had the gift of bilocation.
  2. He was able to interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams.
  3. He escaped through a hole that he dug little by little for 10 years.

25._____Why did Joseph’s brothers travel to Egypt?

  1. To search for Joseph because they felt guilty about having sold him into slavery.
  2. To fetch a pail of water.
  3. They needed food because there was a famine.

26.____ What does Joseph do to test the character of his brothers before revealing his identity?

  1. He puts them in prison for 40 days.
  2. He makes Benjamin look like a thief to see if the brothers will save or abandon him.
  3. He sends them back to get their father.

27.____ What did Pharaoh do when Jacob and his whole family came to Egypt?

  1. He made them into slaves and forced them to build pyramids.
  2. He killed the fatted calf and invited them to a feast.
  3. He gave them the best land in Egypt.

28._____What is indicated by Jacob/Israel’s final words to his son Judah?

  1. That his children and grandchildren will be cursed.
  2. That he will one day turn into a lion.
  3. That the Messiah will be born from his line.